Rules of procedure

Honored guest! In order for everyone to enjoy themselves here at Beckershof, we would like everyone to follow the rules below.

  1. Membership in Beckershof’s boat club entitles the member and his family to fish with hand gear in Tislången and Tisnaren. Within the Beckershof area. See chart by notice board for orientation.
  2. All kinds of crayfish fishing are TOTALLY FORBIDDEN and reported to the police if this occurs.
  3. Fishing with nets is not permitted.
  4. Driving a motor with a tow (so-called Trolling) is only permitted in Tisnaren.
  5. Respect that idling applies between the harbor and the outer buoys.
  6. Water skis or other towable toys are not allowed in Tislången, (with the exception of Beckershof’s mansion during events)
  7. Every boat owner is responsible for keeping clean and tidy around his boat both on land and in water, e.g.
  8. Driving your car forward when unloading and loading is permitted, but must then be driven out to the parking lot as soon as possible, i.e. not on our lawns.
  9. To those of you who use our toilets, we ask that you leave the toilet in a neat and tidy condition as you expect it to look when you arrive. And also ask you to save water as this is a closed system that must be emptied with a washing machine.


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